Friday, August 19, 2005

Why a Content Curmudgeon? What's Content Anyway?

In this blog I'll be providing critical commentary about issues of interest to anyone who produces content of any any sort, but primarily the written kind. And if you create content of any sort, sooner or later you become interested in managing it... filing it, editing it, sharing it, maybe deleting or archiving it, and certainly being able to find it.
All these "lifecycle" issues surrounding content apply especially to words... I feel so strongly about words that my vanity plate simply has one word on it: WORD. Moreover, my website is

And why the curmudgeon part? Because there is a lot of BS surrounding the way we create, value, and manage our content --especially our words. I deal with document management and search vendors frequently --and we all use a word processor and alternately curse and sigh at our word processors, especially MS "Word".

This blog is a critical and frank look at words and the tools to manage and create them. Although I also write a bi-monthly column, "Info Insider" for eContent Magazine, this blog is where I'll put the franker stuff.

So if you're interested in Content (or even Knowledge) Management, from A-Z, from creation through deletion, and all the tools in between-- stay tuned.

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